We all get bored at some point. But usually it isn't hard to change that. I'm usually like that too. However, the current situation isn't allowing a break from the boredom. The inability to fully use my hand is limiting what I can do period let alone occupy my brain with hobbies and interests. And am slowly having similar symptoms in the other hand. Which is either an extension of what's happening or is due to the new overuse because it's been picking up the slack. Even typing this on my phone is aggravating something. But, literally nothing else to do.
Video games, drawing, or even writing my own name is near impossible. Video games are slightly possible based on which game. Ironically, if this is MS, video games are actually part of the rehabilitation process to regain hand dexterity. I actually find humor in that. "Why are you playing video games? You're 35 years old." To which I simply reply, "Because the doctor said so!".
This leaves me with movies and television. Movies are hard as once I've seen a movie I tend to do things like write or draw when I watch again. Ok not tend to, it's what I do. And with television, season is ending for the shows I can bare to watch. Which is really limited to nerdish things. Mainly wrestling. Which is a future entry in itself as things are horrible right now on many levels and fronts. Organization and direction. But again, for a future entry.
I am itching to restart the workout regimen or even begin a rehabilitation program but can't really do either until at least knowing what is up. Which could be a number of things. Singular or possibly a couple of issues happening at once.
I have zero idea in how to pay for the schooling, but a positive from all of this is that physical therapist is appealing to me. It would almost be like combining the nerd and athlete within. I'm a libra so I love (and hate) things that balance. Stay Nerdy!