Sunday, July 10, 2016


I have said before that the easiest part of all of this is the actual workouts. I am one of those people who get off on destroying their self until they are nothing more than a sweaty, aching heap on the floor. Then repeating the process the following day and so on. The hard part for me is the diet aspect of this. While most of the world are trying to lose weight, I am sitting here trying ever so hard to gain. I live in Canada so a layer of body fat isn't that bad of a thing. I have no interest in joining a competition, so my level of clean eating isn't what most would. Right now I am simply trying to get in my three meals a day plus something post-workout. Trying to re-stretch your stomach is harder than you'd think, unless your into force feeding yourself, I'm not here to judge haha

Today I somewhat mastered smoothies. I forced myself into taking an off-day as to try and get out of zombie mode. I forget I am a beginner so rest is key. So, while trying to not go crazy I opted to try and make some smoothies. The easiest thing for me to consume is my post-workout protein shake (yes, I know real food is the better option but it is literally the only thing I am can get down my throat post-workout) so I thought why not try and include something similar and healthy to get me by while I stretch the gut. The only obstacles I see here are obviously the price, fruit is pricey at times, and simply trying to find which ones that I like. Which fruits do I use, which are good alone, which blend together the best, which could use other ingredients? A true trial and error process, but after how good the Strawberry Banana smoothie I made tonight, it is a challenge I look forward to. Not only for myself, but also for my lady and our beautiful children who require your A-game when serving healthy food.
Right now I am trying to consume the basics, with the smoothies I am going to go this route until things improve appetite wise...

-Eggs (3x Sunnyside Up)
-Yogurt Cup


-Meat (Beef/Pork/Chicken/Fish)
-Green Vegetable
-Not Green Vegetable

-Cookies 'n' Cream Protein Shake

Dinner varies, and if isn't like listed then it is things like spaghetti, casseroles, etc. And I have been helping in expanding on the cooking methods so even the basic meat and veggies are becoming more enjoyable for all and easier to eat for myself. Taco Tuesday is a thing here at Arkham, and Friday's are pizza days. Like I said, I don't eat as clean as others, but I eat cleaner than I used to in terms of leaner beef, low to no fat when possible, etc. If I ever want to join a competition or simply see how ripped I can get, talking when I have actual gains of course, I will attempt a strict clean diet. Right now if I flex and I see abs so I am happy haha Lunch is always the hardest so I am hoping the smoothies help fill up that meal.
But, even this basic diet is a struggle for me to consume. I am not hungry like I was when I was younger. With my 50 lbs weight loss came a shrunken stomach so even when I eat I don't eat as much as I used to and need to now. If your wondering why I lost that weight, it was unintentional. Dental and stomach issues for a few years. Dental issues resolved, and it would appear that the workout and water consumption has helped with the stomach. Gaining the weight back is hard because of the overly stated appetite issues as well as being one of those people who can sit on their butt all day doing nothing and will burn calories the entire time.

For more Nerd Fit, Comic Book, Movie, TV Show, Video Game, and Wrestling stuff! Head on over to Non-Geeky Nerd and check things out! Stay Nerdy!

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