The title says, to be a fly on the wall of TNA Wrestling, and right now I would really like to be. Reports are stating that Dixie Carter is looking for investors and partners to help keep TNA afloat. The reports are also saying that she is looking to maintain a 51% majority ownership. This is why I want to be that proverbial fly on the wall, as I really am curious as to how Ditsy is selling this idea to people. Her own fathers company, Panda Energy, pulled out financially about half a decade ago so how can she ask others to give her their money and expect a return? I am curious as to who and what she blames TNA's failures on, because she clearly isn't saying that it was her. It is easy to think of possible scapegoats. Jeff Jarrett and the whole Kurt and Karen thing years ago, his backing out of the company. Vince Russo fooling her and creatively destroying her company. Spike TV. Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff. Any talent who didn't get over. Vince McMahon. Etc. Etc. But, nothing was Ditsy Carter's fault though hahaha
WrestlingInc.com is reporting that there are a few investors lined up despite Ditsy wanting to stay in charge. But, things are so bad financially that she might have to settle for a much less of a role and give control to others. How bad? She owes one of those investors for having put up the cash for recent tapings, and if she doesn't pay up by a certain date she loses her controlling stake.
In summary, Ditsy buys a new but thriving company from Jeff Jarrett. Despite all the talent and Daddy's money, ev-er-y-thi-ng fell apart. And is so bad at business, she is about to lose control of her company instead of negotiating a way to at least give it away. I will always feel for the people below her who will possibly lose a job if things don't work out (with or without her). But, since WWE has been scooping up TNA made talent (AJ Styles, Samoa Joe) or at least teasing at it with some (Robert Roode) I like others aren't suffering too much by all of this. Also like many others, a smirk grows on my face at the thoughts of Dixie proving how Ditsy she really is and then never being seen again.
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