Sunday, April 17, 2016


It all really falls on my opinion of how the artists draw the iconic cape and cowl. In the live action side of things, the Batsuit has evolved and improves both in look and in function. In my opinion of course.

Comic Book:

1. 1980's and 1990's Blue & Grey
-It is what Bats was wearing when I first started reading comic books, so it sticks in my head the most. Well, until the memory goes I guess haha It is blue cape and cowl, grey suit, ad the traditional bat-logo. Although the newer blue and grey look works with a more updated symbol too.

2. The Original
-Bob Kane's initial costume is a favorite for being simply that, the original.

3.New 52
-Again, it is mainly in the artists presentation. And the peeps who've drawn Batman in the New 52 era (short as it was), did a great job of making the suit updated and appealing. With Capullo leading the way.

Live Action:

1. Batman (1989)
-It was my first, and as a kid I had no concept of function. I just thought that rubber suit looked amazing. I liked the slight upgrade for Batman Returns, but love the first. "Errant" logo and all (it wasn't, they changed things later).

2. The Dark Knight (2008)
-With a better idea of function, and of course reference within the film, the Batsuit was pretty amazing in my opinion. The neck was a bit skinny compared to the mask/head in regards to scaling. But, it didn't make for any slightly cheesy silhouettes with the ears bouncing to and throw.

3. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice (2016)
-I've yet to go see it (don't ask haha), but just based on the trailers and photos, it is possibly the best one. It looks pretty darn close to the suit in The Dark Knight Returns. Initially it doesn't look like it would have good mobility, but the trailers show otherwise. I'm talking the basic suit, not the armor he dawns as well. Which is also amazing.

There are others, like a Yellow Lantern/Sinestro Corps Batman that I liked the look of, but opted to focus on the ones we see/seen more regularly. Perhaps I will list those as a "Fav Arkham Games Suits" with all the DLC's bringing a lot to life like Knightfall and Batman Beyond, which aren't on this list 'cause they aren't technically Batsuits without Bruce Wayne in 'em. Yes, I am one of THOSE people haha

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