Monday, February 22, 2016


If not Rocksteady/Rockstar, then at the very least a "Grand Theft Auto" or "Batman: Arkham..." style/concept with another gaming company. Most notably "free-roaming" as this became a personal must have after playing "Grand Theft Auto III" on PS2 back in 2002, and the GTA games that followed. And after daydreaming of "GTA IV" being "Batman-ized" it became reality with "Batman: Arkham Asylum" and company.
Now some of the may have possibly have had a video game with the same idea, not a "hardcore gamer" but personally haven't played them. But, if  they have appeared before, then let us simply add them to the "remake, and release on the almost baron PS4 platform" list. And sorry to the X-Box peeps, but this is basically Playstation focused. But, hey most if not all would be available to you as well. (yes, well aware of Spidey. But, Batman "won" this battle thus far...well a matter of opinion for sure).....

This may have happened on an earlier platform, but with the new remake coming out, why not revisit and improve on the video game side of things? Either a customizable "noobie" joining the squad, or if they have to use movie characters as the playables, then make it a mixture of the original and the new.

Green Arrow
Pretty much every DC Comics and Marvel Comics character could fit here, and they do, but loving the CW television series "Arrow" so we're going with Ollie. Batman has shown it can work, some would need something extra to make it work for them (Superman, etc), but needs to happen.

Mega Man
Haven't played these since the late 80's and early 90's on the original NES, but thought it would have been cool to see Mega Man at least in a manner similar to Mario in Mario 64 on the Nintendo 64. And yes, have mentioned Nintendo twice but am still pushing for a PS4 platform. But, this would be a cross between N64 3-D style meets Grand Theft Auto realism. Still "cartoonish" though.

Street Fighter
Has there been a style done like this before? I know that there has always been a "story" to it all, but it was generally a head to head fighting game. What if the fighters traveled the globe training, developing their trademark abilities, and of course fighting. Except the fights will be part of the story. For example, say Ryu has to fight and defeat the disiples of the master who taught him the Hadouken. All this leads up to the "Street Fighter Tournament". Each player has a different path, but develop at the players own pace and direction. Just an idea.

Star Wars
No. Not a racing game. No. Not a movie adaptation. No. Not "The Force Unleashed". But, something that would be the beautiful offspring of GTA and Knights Of The Old Republic (X-Box). Free roaming. Decision based, to head towards the lightside or darkside of The Force. Most importantly, on a Playstation console.

Not as Selina or any other main player in the movies, but as a freshly turned Vampire or Lycan. Looking to climb the ranks of any faction, perhaps a neutral "third party" as well. Grand Theft Auto style for sure, with random citizens actually being members the opposing "team", who turn and start to fight you. Perhaps the ability to "turn" others would become an option as you progress and develop your characters. Cross-over DLC's would include versions of Van Helsing and Bufy. Who of course are playable in game, but are hunters.

Sons Of Anarchy
Sure, we basically seen this with "GTA IV: Lost And Damned", but it would be different in the way the it would be loosely based on the television series, not directly. And it would be about progressing and developing your character, climbing the ranks from earning your "cut" until you are President of the club. Perhaps somewhat decision based in regards to path to the top as well direction of the MC.

There are plenty more of course, almost anything one likes in entertainment could apply here. Almost. And of course a matter of personal preference. Perhaps another day, more will be listed. Until then.....stay Nerdy!

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