Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Majority of the IWC tend to have more negative things to say than positive. Which is okay. Negativity tends to attract more attention. However, this time around we'll try to focus on the good. Why not? WWE does do a pretty good job of things if you think about it. Once again there is an "injury bug" floating around, taking out all levels of performers. And although we may not always agree or "approve", they keep things going despite the depleted roster.

The Bellas
Yes, one could say they are where they are because of who they are with. Hard not to given each Bella has adopted some of their significant others style into their own. But, regardless of where it has come from, Nikki and Brie have become legendary compared to The Bella Twins of yesteryear. May be late giving the props, with Nikki rehabbing after neck surgery and Brie likely to follow Daniel into retirement and start their family, but still giving props. Some may scoff at this, but easy to compare them to WWE HOF Trish Stratus. Who also began as purely eye candy, and developed quite the formidable in-ring game.

The Women's/Divas Division
Regardless of what you prefer to call it, WWE has begun to truly bring female performers to the forefront. Not just that, it has zero to do with appearance. Beauty is always a matter of opinion, but viewers are left with no option but to judge these women based on in-ring ability. Sure, one can argue that we can thank people like Ronda Rousey for all of this, but honestly all the thanks falls on the females in WWE and NXT for showing they are just as good as, and in some cases better, than the men.

Daniel Bryan retiring sucked. But, as most would agree it was for the best. And we may see this happen more and more often in the future. Hopefully independent companies will deny performers who are "outted" as being "unfit" for in-ring performances. We now have a higher chance of meeting and seeing our favorites after they are retired. Comic-Cons, Signings....Hall Of Fame Inductions. We may never know what truly happened with Chris Benoit, but a lot of things suggest it was from concussions and the damage they do to the brain. We will likely never (and real fans know just how rare it is to use that word in this business) see Benoit inducted. We've lost too many to the addictions, time to praise WWE for trying to eliminate losing any to concussions.

This one may get some flack. Understandably. Blood added some realism to the product. However, during and for awhile after the Attitude Era, there was blood everywhere. The independents were just ridiculous in some cases. Promotions that truly didn't understand ECW's product, instead only imitating and escalating the violence. No story, just blood. With WWE "eliminating" blood actually helps the product.  Have we seen "color"? Yes. And after they stopped pausing the matches, it made bleeding more meaningful. Like in the golden years of the 1980's and early 90's, where "color" was usually reserved for the main event (with exceptions). Flair and Hogan almost always had those rights reserved.

NXT And WWE Performance Center
Triple H gets the credit for this, but it is amazing in many ways and good for the business as well as WWE. The territory days are dead, and other promotions are...good and bad for ones career. Sorry TNA fans, but Jarrett has a new promotion, and AJ n Joe are in WWE. Now, independent stars and undiscovered talent have a place to learn, improve, and prove they are WWE worthy. Even the developed talent have a place to shake off the ring rust after injury or make improvement on their characters before returning to the main roster. Sure, there will still be "cuts", but now there is at least a chance the hopefuls have opportunity to improve before being future endeavored.

You may have noticed that the "product" itself wasn't really mentioned. That is because it is also something that is a matter of opinion. Again with the injury bug, WWE is doing pretty good quality wise. FAstlane jjust happened last night, and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship wasn't up for grabs and things were pretty good. Even the obvious "let's try The New Day out as baby faces for a second".

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