Monday, February 29, 2016

I've come realize that I now have my own little set of real life "Gotham City Sirens". As I've mentioned before, named my youngest daughter after Harley Quinn. Which was what my girlfriend was, until it just seemed weird to have her as my Harley Quinn regardless of my Jokerized brain. So, I've decided to go with her as my Catwoman haha Which works given the raven colored hair, and her stealing my heart (Brownie points, peeps. All about them brownie points). And to finalize my set, when I asked my oldest daughter to pick a favorite character (as it can be hard to get 2x Harley Quinn items at once sometimes), and she opted to go with Poison Ivy. She's my Nerdy so she is knowledgeable of the character, but picked for also being most powerful (or close to being) of Batman's villains.

One day of course I hope to take this beyond what it is, and have the 3 of them cosplay as their characters. Myself as either The Joker, or even Batman. Works either way really. We've done the Halloween thing every year, to the point where the youngest see's anything Harley Quinn and proclaims, "It's me!". But, I would like to go to a Comic Con, with professional level costumes and make-up. For the experience, but also it would be nice to dress-up sans "winterization". Canadian, so Halloween tends to be chilly as heck. Of course there would need to be pictures. Another thing I would love to get professionally done. Majority of the pictures we have hanging up are from past Halloweens. Would love to get a professional to "bring us to life". I have ideas a plenty, but for starters would be the traditional Family Christmas Card photo. Us in costume, Santa hats, in front of the Christmas Tree and possibly a fire place. In my crazy brain, it looks epic haha Actually tried it years ago, but poor make-up, costume, and photo skills took away from the experience. But, beyond that it was kind of neat to get over 1,000 people join a group so that my girlfriend would agree to do it. Most importantly, pretty sure my oldest had fun doing it.

Maybe in a couple years. Take that time to prepare for it. I do wish to learn how to sew at times, as it would be handy to be able to make costumes and whatnot. My girlfriend has picked up some basic skills, after I have strongly encouraged her and her grandmother to make Harley Quinn costumes for the baby of our family the last 3 years (this year will be no different haha).

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