Saturday, October 5, 2013

Why Nerds And Geeks Should Honor Canada

Perhaps "honor" is the wrong word to use, or maybe I am acting the stereotype of a Canadian and being modest ahaha But, seriously though even as a Canuck Nerd, I find myself thanking my country for some of these people. Some are iconic, some were part of things that "failed" box-office wise, none the less all these Canadians were/are part of Nerd history on the big and small screens....(READ MORE)

Friday, September 20, 2013


The Justice League of America is apparently heading north of the border to my home and native land that is Canada come Spring 2014,  with writer Jeff Lemire at the helm. Promising a dream-team of characters to fill out the roster, a mix of top names and a new Canadian character as bonus.

With such little details as to the who's, why's and how's we will focus on the people who already exist or have existed in the past within the DC Universe who could possibly make up the team. As for the new character, all that  shall be said is, "Good Luck!" Having never even crossed the border, I can tell you that it will not be an easy task. Very "Marvel-Heavy" up here in Canada product wise, and I am sure there are already people out there waiting to compare this with Marvel's Alpha Flight. However, we are very loyal to roots and tradition, and the fact that co-creator of Superman Joe Shuster was born here may help the situation as here in Canada we're all about our Quarters and Stamps, and sure enough Supes himself has and will again soon be appearing on both of those. I usually poke fun at my country for these things, but will admit am looking into getting my hands on all the Superman Quarters and Stamps ahaha

Okay, back to the point, Who Should Be On The Justice League Of Canada Roster?

Green Lantern Simon Baz
With the happenings in the real world, everyone always looks to Superman to be that shining light in a currently dark world of comic books, perhaps this Lanterns light is the one to be that beacon. Yes, pun heavily intended!

If anyone has read "Forever Evil #1" then they would understand why Richard Grayson might want to lay low in the great white north for a bit. Plus, Batman seems to be everywhere among the 52 titles, Nightwing would fill that role in this book nicely.

Swamp Thing
Yes, referred to as the great white north, but trust me despite the rumors it isn't winter all year around up here, we have spring, summer and fall as well and it is green as it gets up here, and that would fit into Swamp Things comfort zone nicely.

Going with this guy as a recruiter of sorts for Bigfoot a flip side to Marvel's Sasquatch as a new character. It's far fetched, but is anything really in comic books?

Booster Gold
Apparently Booster is a Canuck. However, that isn't confirmed yet in the New 52 either apparently. But, if he is, then most definitely make him a member. Comedy between him and Nighwing could be similar to that of The Flash and Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

Animal Man
Much like Swamp Thing, Animal Man would fit in nicely in Canada's wilderness. With, although slightly common, more of a variety of animals can be included. Wolverine, anybody?

Far fetched, as she is in a compelling story of her own as of late. Yet, the current situation could see Babs needing a break from Gotham. Added bonus is reuniting on a more regular basis with Grayson.

Strong feeling that perhaps the new character being created to join the DC Universe is going to be a female Canadian as I can't think of any at all really. However, if that isn't the case and Batgirl is held up in Gotham City, then the character Ice to complete the roster. She also fills the "Canada equals Snow & Ice" stereotype ahaha

We'll find out who really made the cut come Spring 2014! All of you Americans that will be joining the ride, pack light as you may want to be a villain and smuggle our beer back with you!

Stay Nerdy!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


With everything that has been happening with the company as of late; departures, fan outcries and negative media attention, I wonder if this is the reason for DC Comics misstep with September's "Villains Month". Selling out of any issue is never a bad thing, it usually means there is gonna be a bump in sales for all involved. However, it is not a good thing when the quantities are limited to the point that stores aren't even able to supply their "regulars" with their "regular" titles, and not because others came in and bought up all the issues, they simply weren't available. What is worse, in some cases apparently stores were selling what they had at a jacked up price instead of at cover price as per usual. Usually the price bump occurs at least the day after. It isn't right, but at the same time hard to blame them really, opportunity presented itself. Luckily, my store of choice isn't like that and sold them at cover. Also, they rendered them in a fair manner also. I wasn't able to get extra issues for my Nerdy, but received all of my titles so far minus "Justice League #23.3" which covered Dial E. I am not disappointed really as I don't have interest in them, but I like my collections complete so one day I will "have to" get it. Oh, and that store is Comic Book Addiction. Check them out online if you don't live in the area. I highly recommend them.

Now, more often then not when a title sells out there are follow up printings of that issue as soon as possible. Usually by next Nerdy Magazine Day (Wednesday aka New Comic Book Day). But in this case, there are even very limited quantities of what they did reprint. Noticed that at least in my area, "Detective Comics #23.2" with the loveable Harley Quinn on the cover was very popular or very, very limited in quantities. Cause I couldn't find even an issue with the standard cover.

I am usually a defender of DC Comics, willing to at least take a wait and see approach with creative things, etc etc. Even now, I am instead of ripping them a new one I am wondering if they were distracted by other things. It is unlikely, but never know the power of ripple effects. One more week of "Villains Month" left to go, heard rumors of "Batman: The Dark Knight #23.4" with The Joker's Daughter being quite valuable already. Hopefully, with the a little luck from the comic book gods, I will get at least my issue. Already explained the situation to my Nerdy so we're good there.

I hope this isn't going to become a trend, and that they learned a lesson for next years relaunch anniversary. Because creatively, just like last year, things have been extremely well done, or at least from what I have read (look to your right on this page to see a list of titles I read monthly) everything is great. And after all this is done, I am very much looking forward to "Zero Year" coming up, so again I hope they straighten things out.

Stay Nerdy.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Out of pure boredom I have decided to make pages that show the comic books that I have in my collection. I`ll start with DC Comics `New 52`titles that I collect monthly (these posts will be updated every month), Non-continuity titles from DC (updated like New 52`s), DC titles that I have from before the relaunch (updated as it grows, varies), as well as the issues from my Marvel days (will be updated as it grows, but will be slow), and will also include other comic books that I read from other publishers (updated as it grows also), which mainly is `The Walking Dead` from the peeps at Image Comics.

So, just follow the links as they are posted, and they shall take you to the pages that contain my humble comic book collection.

First up;
Batman (2011-present)

What do you collect? Do you follow just the title or everywhere the character goes? Do you follow just the artists and writers to whatever title they work on? Drop a line in the comments box below.

Stay Nerdy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Now, usually I reserve thoughts like this for things like Pro-Wrestling and other sports because they are based a little more on stats than it is with comic books where this is totally a matter of opinion no matter how much real life information we have. Only thing that can truly beat a comic book character is lack of interest and sales, where in athletics its based on performance but little to do with how fans receive an athlete (as long as the seats are filled mind you). Another key difference, is that in comic books even the writers don't usually give a clear cut winner so not to take anything away from the "loser".

In Pro-Wrestling it is matches like Stone Cold Steve Austin versus Goldberg, John Cena versus Hulk Hogan, in Basketball it is Michael Jordan versus Dr. J Julius Erving or MJ annihilating Lebron James (Sorry, give me Kobe or Durant imo), Baseball it is well, Baseball is a hard one with all the PE (performance enhancing) going on the last few years (and who knows how long before), but I digress.

In comic books, the bigger picture is more of a dream match between the DC Comics and Marvel Comics Universes, as we have been treated to seeing favorites of a publisher face other favorites, and I do believe there was somewhat of a cross-promotion thing way back in the day. Like I mentioned before rarely is there a clear cut winner in the dream matches that have occured  as not to take away anything from the losing character, and usually in the rematch (if there is one) the other person gets their shot at victory so to speak. Look at the Superman Vs Batman situations, obviously Superman would have the advantage, he's freakin' Superman, but numerous times Batman has not only "won" but knocked the last son of Krypton out cold (Yes, he used Kryptonite, but still).

So, the following is a list of dream matches that I would like to see one day, I won't go into detail, as most are pretty self explanatory, and others are a matter of my opinion and mostly just a curiousity of how it would look and how it would go down.

 The Flash (DC) -Vs- Quicksilver (Marvel)
Any of the Flash characters really, but go with Barry Allen's. The obvious question here is, Who's Faster?

Superman (DC) -Vs- Hulk (Marvel)
Now, this is one that has me curious about a lot. From the visuals, the entire story behind it, to the ending with who won and how...and then the fanboy reaction that stems from it.

Doomsday (DC) -Vs- Hulk (Marvel)
This would possibly make the destruction from The Avengers and Man Of Steel movies look like a small dust storm. And quite possibly would never end.

Batman (DC) -Vs- Iron Man (Marvel)
Simply to show step by step how Batman will crush Iron Man ahaha I am joking. What makes this even more interesting is the Bruce Wayne versus Tony Stark side of things also.

Green Arrow (DC) -Vs- Hawkeye (Marvel)
Obvious reasons, no?

Black Canary (DC) -Vs- Siren (Marvel)
I tad harder to match up the ladies for me, I would have Black Canary against Banshee either before or after this. Likely as the catalyst to give a reason for the battle perhaps.

Batman (DC) -Vs- Wolverine (Marvel)
My 2 favorite characters of all-time (call me whatever you want). I would start this off as a team-up with them hunting someone, and have the end result be what triggers the conflict. What's the end result? Wolvie kills, Batman does not. And there would be a "rubber-match" so that the other guy gets the dub'.

Batman (DC) -Vs- Captain America (Marvel)
To be honest, this is more of a build up for the ones that follow.

Robin (DC) -Vs- Bucky (Marvel)
When you think of side-kicks, you must think of at least one of these two.

Nightwing (DC) -Vs- Winter Soldier (Marvel)
This one for me really is that when I had seen a picture of Winter Soldier (I apologize if that's not even his name) I immediately thought about Nightwing. After learning that this was once Bucky, it kinda was hard not to compare.

Cyborg (DC) -Vs- Cable (Marvel)
Appearance wise, it would have been Cyborg against Deathlok, but Deathlok is a brain in a robot from what I've looked up, so the man/robot ratio is more even with my choices. Plus, I wanted Cable on here somehow, as he is another all-time favorite.

Aquaman (DC) -Vs- Namor, Sub-Mariner (Marvel)
Who's king of the sea?

Some "honorable mentions" if you will I guess would be...
Plastic Man (DC) -Vs- Mr. Fantastic (Marvel)
Black Mask (DC) -Vs- Red Skull (Marvel)
Darkseid (DC) -Vs- Thanos

Stay Nerdy!

Monday, September 2, 2013


Thanks goes out to my friend from my Facebook Gamer days, Oscar, for answering the question from my last posting (MARVEL WHERE ART THOU?) when I asked if Marvel Comics had decided to take a similar path as DC Comics and relaunch their monthly titles. Also, thanks for then taking the time to explain to me the basics of what had happened. He's one of the few who actually know what they are talking about and doesn't condesend when explaining things. Much appreciated as I kinda hate when peeps come at me on opinions, etc when they have only ever followed the movie universes from comic book companies, and then those who are in the know on the print side, at times seem as though they are talking down to you. Not all, but more than I had expected in the Nerd World.

So, apparently there was a relaunch of sorts over at Marvel Comics, just not a reboot like DC Comics did 2 years ago, but more like a roll back of numberings and titles. Their "classic" universe still intact with title numberings starting at #1 (as well as some other small changes; title tweek, new titles, etc), but Marvel has added a "NOW" universe (if you will), where the history and continuity are still as it is in the "classic" however the stories in "NOW" take, in the present.

A brilliant concept if you ask me, it provided an opportunity for new readers or people like myself who were out of the game for so long to come back. However, I have some qualms or small issues about it though, and once again I must state this is in no way a Pro-DC Comics, Anti-Marvel Comics posting.

First, although its a good place to jump back in, which is Marvel's "bread and butter"? Which is, for lack of a better way of putting it, more important between the two? I heard that "NOW" only occasionally references events from the "Classic", but wouldn't the "NOW" be effected by anything and everything that happens in the "Classic"? Obviously Marvel Comics has a grasp on all of this, but I wonder which is their main focus. I also worry about the room for error with this plan. Like I mentioned, one effects the other, well, what happens when one side want to go one way while the other wants to go another? Do they go with one, or will they do both? It could make for a mess, which to be honest, is how it looked when I took a peek at things when I was deciding to get back into reading/collecting comic books, and to top it off is also why I went totally DC Comics when I did.

My other issue with Marvel's decision, is that I had heard absolutely nothing about it. Not even in comic book shops that I went to regularly. When the competition relaunched their product, it was on television, in newspapers, even on the radio, and I am in Canada. That's not the norm up here ahaha Now I am not sure how much the advertising had helped DC Comics, but it must have helped a bit even if it was to draw in those who buy comics for the potential value. If I had known, I would have at least took a peek and most likely have started to read titles with my old fav's like Wolverine, Cable, Spider-Man, etc. Problem was I didn't, and I know I am just one man and my not joining in didn't affect sales, but I wonder just how many peeps were/are in the same boat as I am. Now those numbers would be more meaningful I would think. Money is money.

There was nor is any real point to any of this, just my opinion and possibly someone out there like myself to know that "Hey! Marvel opened a door! Walk on through if your interested!". I am still on the fence about whether I will give them a try, if it was just like  DC Comics "New 52" I would without hesitation. I still think that they should, why not? Fanboys complain regardless. DC's numbers were in some places higher than Marvel so sales likely wouldn't drop. I dunno, I can dream I guess. At least the movies have been off the hook ahaha

Stay Nerdy!

Sunday, September 1, 2013


To start things off, I should mention that this is in no way a "Bash Marvel, Support DC" type of thing. Truth be told, most people aren't aware that although I have DC at the top of my list, and it is who I started my small journey into comic book reading way back in the late 80's, it was Marvel Comics who got my allowance every week for I would say 1/2 to 2/3 of my time as a reader and collector. I will admit that it wasn't by choice, but will quickly add that you will get no complaints from me either (if you haven't read previous posts, Marvel was all that was available where I lived for a time as a kid). I came into the Marvel Universe with X-Men's X-Cutioner Song story arc, and left comics completely with X-Men's The Phalanx Covenant, with Spidey and some other Marvel stars filling in the gaps nicely. If you looked in my piles of toys back then, you'd have found nothing but Marvel characters (X-Men
heavy) in there...ok, there were other odd ball stuff like my Lando Calrissian, can't forget him. God I miss my toys.

First one I got
The point of this posting, is actually somewhat of a question at the same time. Did Marvel Comics relaunch like DC Comics did 2 years ago? Not talking a complete overhaul, but after looking through the Marvel section of my Previews magazine to check things out, I noticed not just different titles (ie Indestructable Hulk, All-New X-Men, etc) but also that the issue numberings were not only lower, but in almost all cases, they were lower than DC Comics current titles in their New 52. Now I am assuming it wasn't the same as DC's relaunch, as I am sure I would have heard or read something about the negative uproar about it.

It has peeked my interest as it was DC Comics decision to almost start over that made me fly back into comic books. It gave me a doorway to walk back in and not feel completely and totally lost, and in all honesty that is what I felt like 2 years ago when I was looking at the Marvel Universe. I expected things to have changed, but I couldn't see an opportunity to get back in the mix. Favorite characters were in teams/groups that I had no interest in reading about (ie Wolverine in The Avengers, Spider-Man in Fant...sorry Future Foundation...I think), and the titles they were in when I did read, looked a little unrecognizable and in some cases too much reading (and money) required to catch up. It also didn't help that I hadn't come across anyone who knew where would be a good place or time to jump back in either.

It may be a bit before it happens, but if there was a chance to read some Marvel titles I would. If there was a relaunch a la DC Comics or something that allows past and new readers to be "on the same page"? Change my answer to definitely.Although I haven't been reading Marvel, I sure have been watching them in the movies that have been flooding the silver screen and loving almost every single one of them. I would love to see what Wolverine (adamantium is back! Glad bone claws didn't last forever), Cable, Spider-Man (Peter Parker please), and others are doing in the print side of things. And like the movie Green Lantern (2011) got me interested in reading the title (yes I liked the movie, I'm different what can I say?), the movies from Marvel has sparked some interest for me in Captain America (but only if I start from his origin like the first flick Captain America: First Avenger (2011)).

Last one before break
Like I said, this posting was almost more of a question, so if you know if Marvel has or is possibly even going to relaunch or something along those lines, let me know!  Even if you don't know, drop a line and give your opinion on this. Did they?Will they? Should they? Holla!

Stay Nerdy!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Finally! A Place For The Clown Princess

First, allow me to take a moment to give a big Thank You! to Harley Quinn's creators Paul Dini and Bruce Timm. It is nice having a character that I not only love, but for once, I am older than aha And just how much do I love this character? Well, last Halloween I was blessed with the birth of my second daughter, and although we went more feminine with the spelling, her name is none other than Harleigh Quinn.

After years of being a support character for The Joker, or currently in the pages of Suicide Squad and formerly Gotham City Sirens, Harley Quinn is finally getting her own monthly series. Slated to hit the shelves Wednesday, November 20th, 2013, writers Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti along with a collection of artists including Sam Keith, Tony S. Daniels, among others are in charge of bringing Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel and her crazy alter ego to life.

Although she is a Batman related character, I don't consider this to be just another "Bat-book". I am sure Batman will make appearances and the title may even be apart of future cross-overs/story arcs, but I think much like DC has done with others like Batwoman or Nightwing, Harley's path and story will be her own. I admit I am curious ho wand if The Joker will fit into all of this, despite the events from "Death Of The Family" (if you haven't read this story arc, may I strongly suggest you go grab each issue or the collected edition when available. Thank me later).

Finally, since it is scheduled to drop at the same time that the DC Universe is following the Batman into Year Zero ("Dark City" seems to be the title for this), and the first issue is #0, it may be a safe bet that they will be taking Harley's story back to origin. That's an assumption though, I am not totally sure how the creative team will be starting things off. All I do know, is that I am looking forward to whatever it is that awaits us come November.

Oh, and don't forget to check out Harley Quinn during Villains Month this September a la the pages of Detective Comics #23.2. Like most I am a Villains fan so although my bank account isn't excited, I am pumped for Villains Month!

Stay Nerdy!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013



Okay, maybe the world hasn't literally ended, but a lot of fellow Bat-Fans out there sure have been acting as though it has. I've heard about death threats (even to those not even connected to the movie) and a petition for the President of the USA to step in and stop this casting. Seriously stupid stuff, that in all honesty, makes it kind of embarrassing to be a fan. I openly admit, my initial reaction was "F*ck!". For me it had absolutely nothing to do with Affleck or his ability to act or make a good movie. Daredevil wasn't the best movie, but I enjoyed it (minus Afflecks hair aha). So much, that I kind of yearned for him to reprise his role in the Elektra spin-off/sequel. My issue with this casting, was that I haven't heard or seen any movies where Ben had "the voice" to play Batman. A combination of his Boston accent and higher toned voice makes it hard for me to see him as The Dark Knight. Now I am not saying everyone has to be like Christian Bale and his grovelling attempt, however a different style of voice work is essential while dawning the cape and cowl. Biggest issue with George Clooney's attempt at being the Batman was that with or without the mask, you knew Bruce Wayne and Batman were the same person.

Now I am sure some of you are thinking, "Oh, working on his voice is easy." and initially you aren't wrong, however, it isn't as easy as you think and takes a lot of dedication. Not only that, there is always the risk of it being cheesy or over the top (Bale went overboard at times).

Again, this is the only thing that worries me. It was the only thing that worried me about Heath playing The Joker in The Dark Knight. I had never heard/seen him without the accent (Aussie I think). And well, clearly, those worries were put to sleep very quickly. And speaking of Heath Ledger as Mr. J, I remember the proverbial crap hitting the fan over that casting choice as well, I dunno, do you think that an Oscar win and the Box-Office numbers made those doubters eat their words? I believe so. And although I was too young to really hear about them, but I do remember my Dad telling me about how nobody wanted Michael Keaton as Batman back in the '89 Tim Burton movie, and I know I am not the only one who thinks of the first two of that franchise as being the best of them.

 So, the next 2 years shall be spent defending this movie and its casting choices. Hopefully this movie is as awesome as I am expecting it to be. Absolutely loved Man Of Steel, and adding my all-time favorite character to that mix, cannot be a bad thing....I hope ahaha Naw, total confidence in Zack Synder and the cast of this movie. Till then if your going to "question" anything about this movie, then let it be about things like "With Affleck only being 41, what direction are they taking after teasing this will be similar to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns", or "When are they announcing Brian Cranston as Lex Luthor?" Okay that last one is purely rumor at the moment, but my choice for the role (if it is even part of the upcoming movie).

Stay nerdy!