Tuesday, August 16, 2016


While many see or hear the word "diet" they think about losing weight. Rightfully so, as enough out there are trying to just that. However, in my case it is simply about what I am eating. For me it is about gaining some weight. Difficult part for me is simply eating the basic 3 meals a day. My stomach shrank so I am rarely hungry, and when I do remember to eat, I can't seem to eat much if anything at all. There has been improvement, but still a long ways to go to get where I want.
I am one of those people who are constantly burning calories, even now as I am typing this, so in order to gain weight I need to consume about 3k per day. The food has gotten slightly healthier, but not "clean" as I don't plan on entering any competitions in the future. I simply want to be a bigger, better me. This skinny white boy look just isn't working for me. The smoothies have helped a bit, at least in getting something into my system when I can't bare the thought of eating something. All of the vitamins and minerals can't be a bad thing.

Here is what I am currently trying to consume on a daily basis. Dinner varies between chicken, beef, and pork with potatoes and vegetables. Either all seperate, or a mix within something like shepherds pie, casserole, etc. If not those then spaghetti or homemade hamburgers (using leaner meat now). And on Tuesdays is of course tacos, with Friday being our pizza night (or occasionally Chinese).


-Protein Pancakes (3)
-Eggs (3)
-Chocolate Milk

-Chocolate Milk

-Protein Shake

4th MEAL

5th MEAL
-Instant Oatmeal (2pks)

The breakfast smoothie is just basic orange juice, Greek yogurt, and fruit, with the nighttime is simply the same minus the o.j. and replaced by milk. You may have noticed how my lunch looks like a breakfast, but that is because I am lazy af when I wake up so cooking is not on my list of things to do. Plus, the smoothie kind of wakes me up so put it in there. I don't think I am hitting that 3k calorie mark, but right now simply focusing on just eating. Once that is take care of, then I will focus on the numbers. But, eating like a normal person will help me gain too, not as much, but still be more than I was.

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