Tuesday, March 29, 2016


There are the obvious, well know Canadian wrestlers, like Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Edge & Christian. But, there are and were so many more. Some of these people I didn't even know were fellow Canadians, and given their "Legend Status" I am a little bit embarrassed haha While some it wasn't my fault (no, Snitsky isn't one) given the way they were promoted character wise or which background was "shown" to the public.

John Tenta/Earthquake/Shark/Golga
This discovery came with my wanting to finally know who was under the mask, who was Golga. Which of course led to the late John Tenta better remembered as Earthquake.

Abdullah The Butcher
His legend may have been tarnished at the end of his career, but couldn't believe Abdullah was a Canuck.

Fake Razor Ramon/Rick Bognar
Hey yo, the Fake Razor gimmick may have been his peak, but was interesting to find out about another Canuck in wrestling history.

Carlito And Primo
These guys are half-Canadian through their mother, and example of thinking they were "only" Puerto Rican due to how they were presented to us. Makes sense given their father was the wrestler, but interesting to see.

Steve Corino
Again, didn't get to see much of Corino but was aware of him. His Canadian roots, I was not.

Ronnie Garvin
A legend I had no clue was Canadian. Always came across as American to me as a kid.

Dink The Clown
Not a prominent player in the game, but memorable...for some of us.

Rocky Johnson
With Tony Atlas they became the first black Tag Team Champions. But, what is more interesting for me, is that he is Canadian ergo making Dwayne aka The Rock half Canuck.

Ivan Koloff
Didn't see much of his career, but his name is almost always mentioned. And given the Russian gimmick, I assumed Russian and not Canadian.

Little Beaver and Sky Lo Lo
Had no idea the two biggest LP in wrestling history were Canadian.

Jinder Mahal
Beyond his time in 3MB, didn't care as much for him. But, Knowing now he is a Canadian, would've been nice to see him at least continue in a jobber-esque role.

Another Odity member who is Canadian. But, I remember him more from his small role in RDJ's Sherlock Holmes.

Santino Marella
Although entertained by the comedy route, was always annoyed they never let Santino show his inring skills. Knowing now he is Canadian, I understand. We're athletic and funny as hell.

The Missing Link
Can only remember images of him, but as a child he looked like a legit badass. Apparently, a Canadian badass.

Lanny Poffo
Should've known a person with The Genius gimmick would be a Canuck. Only born here though, but being Macho Man's little brother makes that okay.

Stan Stasiak & Shawn "Meat" Stasiak
Only knew of his Stan's career, and didn't care much for Meat (whether in WWE or WCW). But, it is interesting to find out about their Canadian roots.

Honestly, haven't followed him since WCW died out. Last heard he was doing his thing on the indies last I heard. I did think he had a cool concept, that needed WWE and not WCW behind it.

Viktor (The Ascension)
Not really been much since moving to the main roster, but that is likely Vince not knowing people like tag teams. Regardless, glad to see another Canuck in WWE.

Rosa Mendes
Well, they can't all be as gifted as Trish Stratus.

Rhonda Sing/Bertha Faye
Like Medusa (aka Alundra Blayze), can't remember much about her WWF career (women's wrestling was uber back burner then), but she was memorable regardless.

Rowdy Roddy Piper
Saved the best for last. I am a bit ashamed that I wasn't aware that Hot Rod was Canadian. I knew he had wrestled through here, as Canada did have some legit territories. I just assumed he was from the USA, and showcasing his Scottish heritage. Now the argument for greatest Canadian wrestler of all time has changed.

There are some others, but they just didn't do too much (in my opinion of course), or I missed them in the search. Again, this all came from wanting to know who Golga was under the mask. Although I am a bit embarrassed by having not known these people were Canadian, I am glad I know now. Still shocked that Piper was a fellow Canadian, and like I said the discussion on who is the best Canadian wrestler of all time is different now. Bret is likely the majorities vote, but knowing about Piper's roots makes for an interesting argument.

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