Tuesday, March 22, 2016


I'm not normal, but not one to always have to go against the grain either. There are moments I am with the general opinion, and there are times I am against it. In terms of bad moments in wrestling or sports entertainment, here are my opposing opinions...

End Of The Streak
Either one. Goldberg's and Undertaker's. Both finishes worked for me, and made sense. First with Goldberg, was there really any other way to end the streak? They went with a run-in and a taser/cattle prod. The problem was that they had no idea how to use Goldberg after that. Ending showed it took 2 men and a weapon that takes down cattle to beat him.
With Taker, it is a "if they're gonna do it, this is how" type deal for me. Didn't want The Undertaker's Wrestlemania Undefeated Streak to end, but if it was then I am glad it was Brock Lesner. Reasons being, Lesner is a legit badass, freak of nature, however you want to put it. Who else could handle the heat that would come with being the 1 in 21-1? Brock gives zero sh!ts about what we think, especially in the real world. Then there is the "what if...?" aspect of if someone else did it. What if their careers are cut short due to injury or personal problems? It would end up being a waste.

Katie Vick
I'm joking, I'm joking haha Although they could have simply referenced it, and it might have worked...probably not but jeezbus haha

Finger Poke Of Doom
Hold on a minute, I enjoyed the initial moment of it. I thought it was part of a bigger storyline. Not just reuniting of the nWo. Perhaps if someone came out and said that things weren't happening that way, and brought out say Goldberg and face both Hogan and Nash for the title. He destroys them, and turns tables on Scott Hall going to the well too many times. I don't know, again the initial moment made me go, "Ohhh, sh!t." and then it turned into, "this is sh!t".

Chris Benoit Tribute
It was the last moment Chris Benoit was cast in a positive light or really even mentioned again. Now, I am absolutely no way condoning what happened. Even with the chance that it was purely brain damage related (which is hard to fully press judgment, as we are all capable of that with a damaged brain), I am not saying we need to honor Chris Benoit, I am just picking a moment in time where a great wrestler was remembered or honored for a final time. Benoit the wrestler? Legendary. The person? Will never know for sure.

The Invasion
When it first appeared to be guys like Shawn Stasiak and Mark Jindrak at Wrestlemania X-7, I was like "crap." I liked seeing Chavo and Lance Storm, but it didn't seem like much. But, then pieces began to reveal themselves, and I was actually pleased with the "final roster" of WCW and ECW's Alliance. Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, Kris Kanyon, RVD, Lance Storm, Sean O'Haire, etc. were the guys that were actually working on WCW every week up until the end. The big stars minus Steiner, were come and go mostly, and not at all near the end.

There are others, I simply cannot think of them at the moment, so perhaps for a future entry. Till then...

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