Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Not usually an "app person", I barely even want a cell at times haha But, I do have moments where I join the herd and play around with one. MSQRD is the app that has my attention at the moment, and drew me in with the Batman V Superman filters. Like I was going to pass up being Batman haha I have enjoyed it thus far, and am thinking perhaps I will replace text messages with videos of myself as Batfleck's Batman. Seriously, I am haha

There is also the Superman filter, which for any X-Men fans could also be used to replicate yourself as Cyclops sans visor or shades. There are others, but nothing comic book related from what I can tell. Which is what my brain is craving now, and can envision filters where we are transformed into comic book characters like Deadpool, The Joker (any, and all live action versions), Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, you can see where I am going with this I am sure. Well, if you are a comic book fan
that is.

If I were more Geek than Nerd, I would try and make my own app that is the same, but I would also add voice changing features. I think that would be pretty cool. For those who aren't able to imitate. Batman, Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds), even other genres with legendary voices like from Star Wars with Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Yoda,......Jar Jar hahaha

It will be interesting to see where else they go with this, if anywhere. Would seem possibly a good idea to try and base more things on movies and shows as they are released. Deadpool, Batman V Superman, Captain America: Civil War, Suicide Squad, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows, etc this year alone. Nerd culture is booming right now, and with even just the movies it makes sense. The Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice filters have been enjoyable as I have said. If they charge us for them, hopefully not too much haha

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