Tuesday, March 8, 2016


I don't know the contract situations and all that goes into it, just simply "analyzing" the WWE roster and giving my opinion on who should perhaps hope for a brand split between Raw and Smackdown! Add the success of NXT and the number of stars it is creating, then some main roster guys become extra "expendable".

Sin Cara...
What began as the best thing, quickly became the worst thing for Sin Cara (current version). And that was being joined with Kalisto. Love or hate him, Rey Mysterio made WWE a lot of money (and he got his from them). Sin Cara, regardless of who's been under the mask hasn't really gotten over with the crowds. Kalisto, the opposite, and with the right marketing could be the WWE's next Rey Mysterio. And if there isn't a split, then there really isn't a "need" for a second Lucha past their feud after splitting.

Zack Ryder...
I know he has been down in NXT with Mojo Rawley.as The Hype Bros, but do we really see that team going beyond NXT? Personally, I don't. If Ryder has any chance of regaining what he briefly had (before creative crushed that), it comes from a brand split where he doesn't get lost in the shuffle. Sooner than later too, as NXT is got some people who've been ready for awhile now, leaving limited spots even on two separate shows.

The Big Guy needs a show that has mostly "smaller guys", to really be The Big Guy. As it is now, he ins't really that big compared to others like Sheamus or Alberto Del Rio. Don't get me wrong, Ryback is jacked. It just doesn't come across as well with everyone. He needs a show where he is the monster. Good workers who are simply smaller than Ryback. Dolph Ziggler, AJ Styles, and others like that. He would gain heat for simply not being like the other fan favorites, being more the classic "Vince's type". In my head it makes sense. Because if not, I am already bored with him and he just went heel again.

He has moments where he is over with crowds. Perhaps he is out with injury right now, but if that isn't the case, where has he been? His character was a new-age throw back to the gimmick days, but there wasn't really any character depth. It was still the boring guy from....Tough Enough? NXT? I forget. Regardless, time to get back on television and develop the gimmick, or find a new one.The #SocialOutcasts are getting more airtime. Join them, or develop yourself, or best of luck in all your future endeavors? Brand split or not.

There are others, and this isn't a knock on anyone. Just feel that the way things are going, if the WWE looks to "save money", then some people should worry. Again, just based on what is known, like television time, etc.

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