Saturday, March 5, 2016


Shoot interviews. Actual, non-restricted, unedited shoot interviews with former WWE talent. Nobody can really blame Vince and company for not showing these, or producing them. A lot of people have "heat" with WWE and tend to always focus on them, and some you wonder if they do so simply for the attention. Not all, but some of them. Or for some reason if they were to trigger something, WWE wouldn't want to be associated with it. Not exactly "best for business".

That being said, it is too bad that they likely won't. Shoot interviews make for some great entertainment. If you haven't seen any before, I strongly recommend hitting up YouTube right after you read this. Be sure to look for and watch shoot interviews  with guys like Jim Cornette, The Iron Sheik, Kevin Nash, etc. The list is endless really. From telling stories we've never heard before to giving their side of the, or verifying/diffusing the ones we have. Ever wonder if and who took a deuce in Sable's bag back in the day? That is out there. For those unaware, back in the late 90's Sable  left and sued the company for harassment. Claiming that someone had defecated in one of her bags. Nobody had really said if or whom had done it, but during a shoot interview, Sean "X-Pac" Waltman let's the world know that yes it happened, and who pinched that loaf. Now that I think about it, something that very likely would not happen today, and not just because of the WWE being "better" now but because of who Sable is married to. Brock Lesner.
There are positive things that are covered too, and the language ranges from clean to obscene. Stories cover some of the same areas (in ring, out ring, opinions), and are also without the WWE overlooking things. Although at times one must wonder if the person is "protecting" possible future prospects with the company. Even among the more "adult orientated" shoots, there is some positive direction. It is just the negative tends to be the more entertaining and revealing. I would have to search for some, but I would have loved to of heard more from guys like Owen Hart, Hawk, Rick Rude, Gorillas Monsoon (from Ali to what we know as the Gorilla Position, would've been great to hear all about the journey between). Would've needed a translator, but imagine if Andre had done some, or was still around to tell us his stories. I don't really see it happening, but perhaps one day we will hear/see some by Undertaker.

Sure, the WWE Network has "Table For 3" and other things with legends and past stars, but are WWE produced and not straight shoots. Again, it isn't an ego thing, as Vince can take the heat especially if good for business, however these wouldn't be. And that is ok. We can think of them as a piece of the puzzle that WWE doesn't control. Or whatever, just go watch some if you haven't before. You're welcome.

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