Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Right off the bat, let me say that I am aware that the show is a "worked" reality show. Just like practically every other reality show. However with Total Divas, it is almost a hindrance to the now thriving Divas (womens) division. And as things go on, it appears to get worse. Aren't they supposed to show the world smart, strong, and athletic females? There are moments, in which that message comes across, but other things overshadow that mainly.

Nikki Bella
-Nikki comes across as a bimbo airhead, who is far from smart, or even street smarts. Total Divas makes Nikki appear to be that cliche star. Tea parties, fine. Telling people to pretend, and being offended when they point out how fake it is. Drinking? Fine. If not for IG and Twitter, I would almost assume she has a drinking problem.

Brie Bella
-Brie has been portrayed in both a positive and a negative light. She appears to be the smarter of the Bella twins, but a lot of that appears to come from being with Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) at times.

-When John Cena had mentioned he didn't want kids while he was in the business because he has seen those raised in that world, I couldn't help but wonder if Natty was one of those people. She appears to be a princess who has no concept of how real life works. Natalya is portrayed in a way that makes everyone feel bad for Tyson Kidd.

Eva Marie
-Fake. On all levels. Husband too. Hoping this is just Total Divas, otherwise, the women's wrestling movement is in trouble if this is who Vince wants at the top.

Alicia Fox
-Maybe Fox is crazy like Naomi Campbell. Maybe it is just part of the show. Her inring skills have improved, but is still "behind" the rest, but perhaps it is time to replace her. As how she is portrayed
on Total Divas, she is the new Melina.

Rosa Mendes
-I'll immediately gives props for overcoming her demons, and getting clean. As a person though, Total Divas presents Rosa as a love hungry, bimbo. Given extreme limited inring ability, hard to see why she is still around, outside of a valet/manager role.

-Total Divas has actually garnered my respect in this case. She is married to a wrestler as well, but doesn't appear to be a female clone of her male counterpart. Not the same really for say the Bellas. She also seems to be the voice of reason, or the only one pointing out when the Divas are in the wrong.
Now again, this isn't a knock on the ladies involved. It is a shot on how they are appearing on Total Divas. Nikki, Paige, and company are simply playing roles on the show, but I felt compelled to point out how the lines of reality and fiction are becoming the wrong time to make it worse.

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