Sunday, March 27, 2016


Just saw a highlight of when John Cena pinned JBL to win the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 21. I remembered how that was something majority wanted, and how we couldn't wait for Cena to be drafted to RAW. That was truly the start of the John Cena we see today, as the "Thuganomics" gimmick began to be rolled back. It wasn't the first nor the last time things wouldn't turn out how we wanted them, or at least how I felt about them. Examples would be...
Goldberg V Brock Lesner
Two beasts locking horns on the grandest stage of them all. The type of match that could've even been the main event if a different time. Problem was both Goldberg and Lesner were making their last appearances for WWE (Brock of course later returned), and weren't looking to go in in style. What we were left with was a below mediocre match, and the highlight being Stone Cold Steve Austin hitting both with Stone Cold Stunners after the match concluded. That was only cool because it was as close as we'd get to Austin V Goldberg, and Lesner flipping the crowd which now feels like a "Watch what I am going to become, biotches!".
The Invasion
I'll be honest, this is only disappointing in hindsight. During that time, sure it was obvious big WCW names weren't there, but we did get guys like Booker  T and Diamond Dallas Page in a WWE ring. A dream match for me was The Rock V Booker T (sorry, DDP), and w got that. For some of that talent, it was probably best that nWo (Hogan, Hall, Nash) and others came later. Gave them an opportunity to show Vince and WWE Universe what they had.
Ultimate Warrior V Hulk Hogan
The first time, not the second. Nobody asked, nor deserved that. I am not even knocking the quality of match. Warrior didn't last long as champ, when he could have been bigger than Hogan. No offense to the memory of the Warrior, but Hogan is a bigger name. Love or hate him. I can't really remember Warriors run as champ either, his IC run yes, as the main man, no.
Zack Ryder Got A Push
You can replace Zack with a few names really, and it isn't that they got a push, or that said push was a flop and it was their fault. No, sometimes it is a simple case of fans get behind someone, WWE finally notices and orhastrates a push, and then creative expects them to turn sh!t into gold. That can happen, but shouldn't be needed. Ryder's deal with Kane and Brie Bella was a no-win situation. Ironically, if WWE kept ignoring him, he would probably be at least a Intercontinental/United States title contender if not holder.

I know most of the reasons for why these things turned out the way they did, and I understand them. It doesn't take away the disappointment though. WWE did do a pretty good job at "saving" things like The Invasion. That has to be said. For a business that plans and plans, they are pretty good at recovering on the fly.

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