Sunday, March 27, 2016


We are not in the early 2000's anymore. Back then, I don't know about anyone else but I like to think the majority of us 80's kids were  on our own at that time and although we may have been able to afford the internet, a computer was a different story. Nowadays, almost everyone has access to the internet. Whether it be through their phones, tablets, at home hacking the neighbors wifi, where ever. My point? Having a pre-taped Smackdown! doesn't bode as well against a live RAW.

Now, I know that the cost of a live production is pretty high, but wouldn't the possible payoff be worth it? The basic reason we enjoy a live show is the unpredictability. Mishaps, surprises, it all adds to the show. With Smackdown!, we all have had access to spoilers for years. Nowadays here in Canada, we have Smackdown! aired on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.
If WWE is to truly have a brand split, it would almost make sense for it to be with both RAW and Smackdown! being live shows. Completely separate from each other too. Saving the "crossovers" for unicorn-esque rarity. Even if say a person is fired from RAW, they aren't always guaranteed to show up on Smackdown!, sometimes the person is legitimately future endeavored. Not all performers would be willing, but having a small bit where the fired RAW wrestler shows up at Smackdown! looking for a job, only to be denied.
Now, another part could be nobody wanting to work every Thursday night (similar to Triple H back in the day apparently). To make the brand even more appealing, perhaps add a bonus of sorts for being apart of Smackdown! They need to not repeat the mistake of making Smackdown! the "feeder" brand for RAW. Undertaker was really the only mainstay way back when, everyone else it was a matter of time before they switched once they were over with the crowds and Vince.
Personally, I would break it all down as such; Initial draft. 2 World titles, 2 Womens titles, US on one and IC on the other, 2 tag titles. Not bringing back the cruiserweight championship. Everyone is a contender for the titles. Bringing back the Cruiserweight division almost allows Vince to pigeon hole people. Then, once a year there would be a trade deadline similar to that of the NHL and other sports. Not another draft to shake things up again, but trades between brands, and sign "free agents" from those coming up from NXT and returning stars.
That is the other reason I am hoping WWE makes Smackdown! a viable alternative for RAW, NXT. If and when Vince is finished with a RAW v Smackdown! storyline, I am hoping he leaves NXT alone, and doesn't try to add them to the "war" or make them the follow-up opposition. Simply make Smackdown! great again in todays world, RAW will be possibly infused with attention as well, and then use NXT for what it is meant for, and that is a farming system. True, they are a brand. But, they're still the starting point for many performers.

As always, I don't know the ins and outs of this type of stuff. I just think that this is a way to reboost the business. Create your own competition using your own product. TNA and others aren't keeping up, and wrestling seemingly has only ever been great when there has been some form of even level competition. Crockett and WWF (WWE) were the 80's, things got stale as Crockett became Turner's WCW in early 90's, then as WCW got better as did WWE. Now I am not saying direct competition, WCW focused too much on WWE at times and well we all know the reasons and what happened.

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