Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Probably beating the proverbial dead horse again, but John Cena. Heel turn. The reason I am thinking about it again, is that his next World Championship will be his 16th. The is Nature Boy Ric Flair's thing. Even if Naitch came out and publicly endorsed everything with the utmost sincerity, we could see Daniel Bryan level of fan reaction. The women and children can cheer all they want, they will be drowned out by booing half of crowds everywhere.

John has said that technically he is already a heel since there are the jeers among the cheers. And has also said that if he went heel via a throwback of sorts, those who booed would begin to cheer. Both are very likely true in a sense. His heel ways would "lose kids" and men would cheer when they should boo. However, it dawned on me that he could go heel and possibly be the one capable of putting Roman Reigns over like they are trying.
Whether it be at Wrestlemania 32, or maybe even the RAW that follows, but Cena somehow screws Reigns out of winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from Triple H. It is then revealed that he has joined The Authority. To put the heel turn through the roof, Cena's 16th World Title would simply be handed to him. This works if there is a brand split and the title is divided again, remember when Bischoff rewarded Triple H (ironically) the World Heavyweight Title after Brock Lesner took the WWE Championship to Smackdown!? Trips got massive heat for both being handed the title, and for those who think everything is simply because of who he married (morons, tbh. position now? likely ya. inring? rewatch history). With Cena, that heat could be amplified for being the current face of WWE.
Fans did boo Hogan during his nWo turn, and we was able to "return to the kids" after. This could also help get someone like Roman Reigns over once fans simply want anyone to take the title from Cena. Since they seem against having Reigns make the turn a la The Rock.
To make things possibly uber hot, start things at or RAW after Wrerstlemania 32, then possibly have Lesner end title reign #16 at Summerslam or Survivor Series, and with help of The Authority win it back for #17 next night on RAW. Forget tying Ric Flair, imagine the reaction to #17. Then at Wrestlemania 33, Reigns ends the reign.

Now, that is all banking on the fans simply hating Cena to the point that they will take Reigns no matter how Vince prefers to push him. Might be easy to think of Bray Wyatt as a heel who could get Reigns over, but fans love him too much for that to work yet. Bray's best bet to really go heel is be the guy who screws over and feuds with the people that the fans love.

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