Sunday, March 6, 2016


Which movie? That would be "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice". Not just because of the hype or the cast, those are important of course, but because I have been waiting since 2013 for this film. The film that launched this movieverse was "Man Of Steel", and I am one of those who really enjoyed the film. So much so, that I immediately awaited a sequel.

Technically, "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice" isn't a sequel to "Man Of Steel", but it is the follow-up. The sequel will apparently come out later, which is somewhat weird but could kind of work in my head. Perhaps have the "stand-alone" movies be of the prequel nature, and the "Justice League" movies will be now/future. Which I hope is the case for Ben Affleck's Batman. I'll have to see his portrayal in "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice", but at this moment in time I prefer a story with a younger Batman.
Of course, the "hype" and cast side of things plays into it. This is really DC Comics launch of a larger movieverse to if not compete with, than draw comparisons with Marvel's. "Man Of Steel" was first, but this is an all-star line-up and big screen debuts for some fan favorite characters. Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash, Batman, Superman, among other supporting characters. As for the "baddies", we got Lex Luthor and a reincarnated Zod turned Doomsday thus far. And something to do with Darkseid, the scope of his appearance is unknown.
I can't leave out how I hope "Suicide Squad"is a success as well. Perhaps just as much as "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice", as I am somewhat of a Joker and Harley Quinn fan. This will be Jared Leto and Margot Robbie bringing my favorite crazies to life within this movieverse, and I am hoping Leto hurts the egos of the haters really....really....bad. So far, things look great. From the clips I have seen, Margot has owned the role of Harley Quinn. I understand the "ink" arguments with Leto, however if The Joker were real and alive today he would have some ink. Perhaps not as much, but the crazy clown would likely welcome the pain, and the pain of having them removed. And of course repeating the process. The closing argument would be that The Joker's psyche has so many layers, who is anyone to say that this (like those who proceeded him) isn't one of them?

I've been a good boy and took a wait and see approach to all of this. Think Ben Affleck and Jared Leto were the first names to come to mind for Batman and The Joker? Absolutely
not, but have taken like I said the wait and see approach hoping to be rewarded. So far, so good. Just hoping the trailers and ads weren't the high points as it tends to be with some movies.

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