Thursday, March 31, 2016


It is that time of year again. The time wrestling fans of all levels have been waiting for. Wrestlemania! Wooooooooooo! And this year doesn't look to be a disappointing one, at least on paper. But, the only things that could seemingly go wrong are stage fright and injuries. Beyond that, this card is pretty stacked. Especially it is injuries that have John Cena, Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, Cesaro, and others out of action and likely to miss out on Wrestlemania 32. Obviously, like many others, I have predictions and opinions on it all haha And they would be...

The Usos V The Dudley Boyz
 Prediction: The Usos
-Although I want The Dudleyz to win, they are back in WWE to help the next gen. Usos aren't as over as they once were, and Bubba n Devon will get a massive pop the first time they break their current "no tables" rule. Plus, it leaves open the chance for Bubba to turn on Devon and become Bully.

Lana, Naomi, Tamina, Summer Rae, & Emma
Brie Bella, Paige, Natalya, Alicia Fox & Eva Marie
 Prediction: Brie, Paige, Natalya, Alicia, & Eva Marie
 -Likely Brie's last Mania as she joins Daniel Bryan, so a good send off if she does retire. Must say that although this is slightly a filler match, it is great to see that all the women...Divas got on the card this year, and that the title will be defended later on. Two Divas matches at Wrestlemania, and none of them are bra-n-panties type or have any celebrity involvement. That does show how much things have change. Kudos. But please don't let there be yet another turn by Paige among all of this haha

The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Kane, Big Show, Mark Henry, Heath Slater, Curtis Axel, Adam Rose, Bo Dallas, Goldust, R-Truth, Jack Swagger, Tyler Breeze, Viktor, Konnor, Fandango, Darren Young, Damian Sandow, and more?
Prediction: Kane
-Was hard to pick really, as this match holds no real meaning. No offense to Andre's memory, it is just it is a filler type match with a trophy. Hard to really steal the show in a battle royal too. Positive note is that the wrestlers use this as their Wrestlemania appearance and pay day. And since it really leads to nothing, why not put over other legendary big guys like Kane or even Mark Henry(my runner up for being worthy as well as a Texas boy) before they retire. Sure, an up and comer could win, but why not be the guy who beats the winner after a nice build up?

The League Of Nations V The New Day
Prediction: The New Day
 -I thought that the WWE Tag Team Championship was on the line, but it appears to be not the case. Which is okay, as it gives everyone a chance to be in the ring. Can't see The New Day losing this one, given they are over with the WWE Universe and WWE themselves are "behind" them. NEW DAY!
Chris Jericho V AJ Styles
 Prediction: AJ Styles
-Honestly, this could go either way and make sense in my head haha Fan of both, but Jericho is my past, AJ my future if we get all deep with things. It would be a great start to a promising WWE career. AJ skipped NXT, and went straight to the main roster labeled as the hottest free agent. What better way to show that than with a dub at Mania? Regardless though, this match is sure to be phenomenal. Pun intended, but also applies to both guys performances.
WWE Intercontinental Championship
Ladder Match
The Miz V Dolph Ziggler V Sami Zayn V Stardust V Sin Cara V Zack Ryder V Kevin Owens (C)
Prediction: Sami Zayn
-Shockers would be Ryder and Sin Cara. Slight shockers would be The Miz, Ziggler, or Stardust. Zayn got the "rub" plus a likely seal of approval from Cena, added with previous heat and great matches with Owens, and that is my "why". I can see Owens retaining, but this sets up the feud. Plus, KO is a great heel both as the antagonize and as a "cry baby" type. You stole my belt so I kick ruin your life or I cry about it. Those are the options I see.

WWE United States Championship
Ryback V Kalisto (C)
Prediction: Kalisto
-Kalisto is pretty over with the WWE Universe, and has "Next Gen' Rey Mysterio" written all over him given his size, move set, and marketable mask. Ryback hasn't done too much latley beyond going from the singlet to trunks. Although I can see a disgruntled from losing Sin Cara doing a run in and turning on Kalisto. But, that could also be done after the match or on RAW the next night.

Street Fight
Dean Ambrose V Brock Lesner
Prediction: Dean Ambrose
-This one was really hard to pick. Lesner "lost" last year at Wrestlemania 31 when Seth Rollins pinned Roman Reigns after cashing in his Money In The Bank briefcase. But, this has to be "more" than Dean Ambrose showing us he can take a beating. Street Fight rules and a certain Bray Wyatt seemingly having nothing to do *cough*run in on Lesner*cough* would "protect" Brock Lesner's character of being The Conqueror. One things is for sure, no blood rile or not, there is going to be some color in this one.

WWE Divas Championship
Becky Lynch V Sasha Banks V Charlotte (C)
Prediction: Sasha Banks
-Becky although just as deserving, is the dark horse  in this one. Charlotte is the favorite to retain I think, but Sasha Banks is Snoop Doggs cousin, and although also just as deserving, blood and money may play into Vince's decision on this one.

Hell in A Cell
If Shane Wins He Controls RAW, & Undertaker Never Wrestles At Wrestlemania Again
Shane McMahon V The Undertaker
Prediction: Shane McMahon
-Hardest match to predict this year. But, the stipulations and their outcomes play into what I want, which is brand split between RAW and Smackdown!. And if Undertaker is going to have a last match, although I get why many feel it should be at a Mania, I however think it should be at a Survivor Series where he originated. Also, I have a feeling Shane won't be alone after Sting appears, and we get as close as we will to Sting V Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Not as good, but a huge moment none the less. Remember Degeneration X and nWo last year? Not as awesome, but great regardless.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Roman Reigns V Triple H (C)
Prediction: Roman Reigns
-This has been a 2 year process. Vince wants Roman as the top guy, as per usual fans are resisting, not so much Reigns but how Vince is making him approach this. Triple H winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship was for this moment. I've mentioned in a previous blog entry about this being a good time for Cena to turn heel by simply joining The Authority and Triple H literally hands him his 16th World Title on RAW, use this as a last ditch effort to get Reigns over again. Cena won't change anything but simply acknowledging he is now a heel and fans will despise that and add that he would now be tied with Flair, they may beg for anyone to take him down. Summerslam, or even a year from now Reigns reclaims his title...maybe even a Sting like approach going silent or minimal verbal for a year (it is what most seem to chirp about, his new mic work). All that, or simply have a reunion of The Shield with Reigns as champ. Not sure when Rollins is due back, but story line wise he could have learned error of his ways during time away and is bitter Triple H is/was Champ. Ambrose, 'cause why the F not...looking around at all of the factions at the moment. Split them up again if the brands split.

I am actually excited to see Wrestlemania 32 on the WWE Network for $11.99 (I'm Canadian), as this show looks worth double of what it cost on PPV. Shane O'Mac is back, and brings possibility of RAW and Smackdown! separating. This could be Undertaker's last match at Wrestlemania (if not ever, given he is from Texas). Brock and Ambrose in a Street Fight and the Ladder Match for the IC title are the only things that has me concerned, but only for everyone's well being. They're going to be barn burning, slobber knockers for sure. AJ Styles at Wrestlemania? Nuff said. And for the first time in the history of Wrestlemania, other than my teen years (haha), I am looking forward to seeing the women blow the proverbial roof of the place. Some legends are likely to make appearances, just looking forward to how they are involved. Stone Cold Steve Austin in his home state, The Rock, HBK, will Hogan return? And that is just the most likely things, don't forget about the surprises and shockers. And never forget to tune into RAW the next night, as it tends to be the RAW of the year some times. Surprises, Mania fallout, beginning of new directions. 

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