Sunday, March 6, 2016


The obvious would be something like Big Show V Andre The Giant, or  Stone Cold V Goldberg, but attempting to take the least obvious route. Some will be ridiculous to some, while others may have made for a decent match at a certain point of time.

Brock Lesner V Scott Steiner
Not sure if this happened or not in WWE during the early 2000's, but even if it had it likely wasn't really a match with a story behind it. This match would put a lot of things to the test. Most notably, professionalism. Both are legit amateur wrestlers. Both are freaks of nature. Both have egos. Whether "on the same page" or not, this would make for a true slobber knocker. You know, like how Lesner V Goldberg was supposed to be.

Bret Hart V Kurt Angle
Two reasons. I'm Canadian, and love "Canada V USA" stuff in wrestling (especially with Bret). Also, have you seen Chris Benoit V Kurt Angle matches? If not, go take a look. Sure, Bret has a different style with not so much explosiveness, but technically gifted beyond most. Put that against someone at par if not further ahead in technical ability and we have gold. No, not what is around Angle's neck.

Samoa Joe V Taz
It was a rare "TNA did something right" moment when they paired Taz with Joe in a mentor type role. The styles were similar. Looks....kinda, kinda not. Regardless, this would have made for an amazing match if Taz were still able to safely go in the ring. Although the "Muscle Buster" would make me cringe now if on someone with neck issues. But again, most of the moves.throws performed in this match, and how they are performed might keep my stomach on the edge of its own seat let alone me on mine....trying not to yak.

Undertaker V Andre The Giant
The Deadman seems to be able to have a decent to great match with anyone (ie Giant Gonzalez). What could he have done with Andre before or even after his prime. It would be safe to say that Andre would have "accepted" 'Taker, given the locker room status he has. If not, likely would be Andre trying to be alpha. Even then, The Phenom would have a good match with The 8th Wonder Of The World.

Kurt Angle V Ken Shamrock
Most probably thought I would go with Lesner in place of Angle. Understandably. However, this has been in my mind since the moment Kurt Angle began using the Ankle Lock as his Finishing Submission move. I immediately thought of Shamrock. Given the knowledge now of MMA, I don't worry too much about Kurt getting messed with, or provoking anything given what he pulled of with Jeff Jarrett and their circumstances.

There are others, just simply can't think of the ones that aren't your typical dream match.

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