Tuesday, April 5, 2016


He is in the sense of getting behind Roman Reigns and giving him the "push". Fans began to reject Reigns, showing weekly that they are not a part of the Roman Empire at this point in time. Although many will disagree, I don't think this is exactly what is hurting Reigns current stock. Anyone who holds a title has Vince's support on some level. Even if only a "transitional" champion, Vince entrusted them to fill that spot, and if the selected hits it out of the park at that time, meaning they will remain at the top a little longer or will be in the near future. If they don't then they weren't able to maintain their fan fare. Yes, there are exceptions (ie Zack Ryder years ago) but true greats can turn sh!t into shineola.

How I think Vince is negating Roman Reigns progress with the audience is the sudden promo delivery, and just tonight on RAW, as Roman was delivering his new "I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a good guy. I'm THE guy" schtick, there was a brief moment where Vince's voice chimed in with a "I love that!" (or something along those lines). Combine that with the endless reference to how the post Wrestlemania RAW crowd will cheer who they usually boo and visa versa. The crowds are always very vocal, but not usually in Bizzaro Land fashion like us Canadians. They booed Roman because they aren't behind him anymore. All of this is what is really killing this moment.
I can't even think of a superstar who could get Roman over as a baby face. Jericho kind of proved that tonight, where the crowd opted to chant "We Are Idiots!" instead of getting behind Reigns. Jericho, like Triple H, is a master of going ultimate Heel. Neither have been able to get this to work. I have mentioned before that the only guy who could pull this off is perhaps John Cena. A heel turn that simply is his acknowledgment of it, joining The Authority, being handed his 16th WWE World Championship. After six months to a year, fans would be begging for anyone to knock him off the throne. It is either that, or Roman turns heel himself a la The Rock.

Not sure how long this will go on. AJ Styles is now the #1 Contender, and is pretty over with the crowd. Will he get the nod to wear the belt for now, or are they prepping Roman to turn? Because this isn't going to help Roman's Empire in regards to the crowd reaction.

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